ValueDo, Italy
See also:
ValueDo s.r.l. is a company specialized in introducing innovation in Universities and public bodies, especially in the fields of e-learning and blended education. It also provides training and support in the fields of entrepreneurial education, addressed both to start-uppers and already established companies. The company adopts its own methodologies and other tools developed by managers and employees within other European projects. The company provides also consulting and support to public administrations, enterprises of all dimensions, local bodies, research centres, and universities, toward access to European Structural and Investments Funds (ESIF). Currently, Valuedo is partner in 5 Knowledge Alliances projects, in all the case with the role of supporting the Universities in the digital transformation processes and embedding new digital technologies as good practices in their training activities. Valuedo provides its services independently to the Faculty of teaching sector of the Universities: indeed its activities vary from the topics of agriculture education (SPARKLE and e-TOMATO projects), medicine (SAFETY), IT and Artificial Intelligence (PLANET4), Industrial Engineering and Management (IE3). It is also partner in two Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education projects: FUTURES, where the company applies its innovative strategies to the field of future-literacy and foresight for training University students, early-stage researchers and high-school students in the design of their personal and professional development; and HOTSUP, aimed at enhancing HEI educators skills for enabling them to develop digital training contents for learners attending courses in the virtual/extended class. Furthermore, ValueDo carries out an activity of research dedicated to the evaluation and definition of strategies and the best initiatives within the strategic planning in addition to the use of EU structural funds. ValueDo manages the coworking space 91C on public socioeconomic innovation policies in Florence. In the company’s network, there are many professionals and companies that can be activated in case of researches, investigations, and other fields of research in order to involve them in educational activities.